Rescue and emergency response

Ovzon provides SATCOM-as-a-Service to Rescue and Emergency Services to aid in recovery during emergencies so they can save lives, protect property, the environment, and assist communities impacted by disasters.

First responders are often deployed in remote and inhospitable locations. Conditions are often extreme, and in many cases, terrestrial communications infrastructure is either damaged, destroyed, or overloaded. Mobile satellite communication provided the only source of communication in the hours, days, or weeks following disasters. First responders and rescue teams must be able to communicate with each other, as well as within their chain of command as soon as they arrive on location. The chain of command needs to quickly be able to manage and control their field resources and to communicate their needs and responses to the rest of the world.

This requires a complete tool kit of communications resources and Ovzon´s SATCOM-as-a-Service responds perfectly to those needs.

Ovzon’s mobile satellite terminals are small reliable, and rugged, ensuring excellent mobility for both On-The-Pause and On-The-Move communications and Ovzon’s SATCOM-as-a-Service is available in the most demanding conditions and the most remote locations.

Read our customer case about the Italian fire and rescue services -Vigili del Fueco

Drone operations

Ovzon provides Beyond Line Of Sight (BLOS), secure, broadband communication for drones.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Systems are becoming increasingly widespread, used for numerous applications from adventure filming to real-time mapping and crop monitoring.

Wider-range operations, such as pipeline inspection or forestry monitoring, require the UAV to operate beyond line-of-sight of their controller. Current solutions are limited in utility: larger, heavier UAVs adapted from military technology can link via satellite, but are very expensive; smaller drones lack the power/space to carry traditional satcoms equipment, and so are confined to areas with mobile or WLAN coverage. Most solutions are limited in bandwidth for the on-the-move solutions.

Ovzon technology is designed to solve exactly this problem – to enable high-data rate communication between controllers and drones over the horizon, using a new generation of compact, high-bandwidth terminal equipment, combined with dedicated, steerable satellite coverage.

Border Security

Ovzon provides secure, dynamic, broadband coverage for effective border and security operations.

Maintaining the integrity and security of borders is an age-old and global problem, with many differing solutions. The difficulty of doing this, despite modern technology, has been shown in Europe over the last years, where both land and maritime borders were severely strained in the face of the humanitarian crisis of unprecedented numbers of refugees joining the more normal economic migration by both land and sea.

Ovzon is particularly suited to the coordination of a large number of assets, using secure high bandwidth links, over a large area lacking in more usual communications infrastructure – such as the maritime borders in the Mediterranean Sea or in remote continental landmasses. Additionally, Ovzon can reconfigure its steerable beams to support specific areas of interest in a dynamic way, to provide additional coverage capability. Both security aspects and humanitarian needs can be met using the same system.

Commercial Applications

Our services are operated on satellites covering the US and LATAM, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Gateways with secure backbone connectivity are located in Europe and Africa. The services are monitored and controlled through our 24/7 NOC in Tampa.

Satellite terminals

Users are able to access truly broadband data rates using ultra-portable, easy to use terminals with best in class link availability.